Can Stolen Funds be Recouped from Employee’s Retirement Plan?

Question:  One of my employees stole from the company and when we found out we terminated their employment.  Can we use their company retirement plan [...]

2020-01-28T16:25:02-05:00January 30, 2017|Categories: Employee Benefit Plans, Fraud/Forensics, Retirement|

What Is a 401(K) Match “True up” and Why Must I Do It?

Dear Anna, Question:  We’ve been funding an employer matching contribution to the 401(k) plan throughout all last year and now I’m being told I must [...]

2020-01-28T16:24:39-05:00January 3, 2017|Categories: Employee Benefit Plans, Retirement, Small Business|

Retirement and Late 401(K) Deposits Are a Big Deal

Dear Anna, Question:  So we recently changed payroll companies and I just found out the new company hasn’t been remitting the employee 401(k) plan amounts [...]

The New DOL Fiduciary Rule – What Plan Sponsors Need to Know!

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) published its long awaited and highly controversial final rule on April 6, 2016, which addresses when a person is considered a fiduciary under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), when providing investment advice to a Plan, its participants and beneficiaries.

Company Retirement Plans Made Easier – Ask Anna

Question:  My Company had a good year and my accountant says I could use some more deductions on my tax return.  Can I contribute extra to my [...]

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