Health care providers continue to seek Provider Relief Fund clarity

RSM's new national health care leader, Carlos Hernandez, provides insights into the industry and practice in an unprecedented time.

2023-08-09T11:52:41-04:00May 19, 2021|Categories: Healthcare, PBMares COVID-19 Insights|Tags: , |

Single Audit Deadline Delayed by Six Months

On March 19, 2021, the Office of Management and Budget issued a memo directing federal agencies to delay, by six months, the deadline for recipient organizations to submit Single Audits. The new deadlines are September 30, 2021 and March 31, 2022.

It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again for Physician Practice Acquisitions

What goes around comes around. In a trend mirroring that which occurred in the 1990s, physician practices are selling out to hospitals and private equity firms in increasing numbers.

2023-08-14T08:03:09-04:00September 24, 2020|Categories: Healthcare, Transaction Advisory|Tags: , |

When Do I Need a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement?

Your medical practice has responsibility for protecting the privacy of health information under the HIPAA Privacy Rule while carrying out health care activities. In order [...]

Income Distribution – Deciding How to Split the Pie

Having partners in a medical practice definitely has its advantages. You have peers to share the workload and to share costs, which often drives up [...]

Cybersecurity 2017 – A Look Ahead

As 2016 winds down it is time to start looking ahead to 2017.  Recently, Experian, a leading global information systems company, released its 2017 Data Breach [...]

10 Habits to Keep Your Medical Practice in Good Financial Shape

Everyday you give patients advice on how to stay in shape, how to avoid chronic diseases and how to recover from an unexpected health crisis. [...]

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