Implementation of Fiduciary Rule Regulations Delayed

The Department of Labor (DOL) spent years creating their 2016 Fiduciary Duty Rule final regulation to define a fiduciary of covered retirement plans. The purpose [...]

2020-01-28T16:25:27-05:00February 8, 2017|Categories: Retirement, Small Business, Tax: Business, Tax: Individual, Wealth Management|

Investment Interest Expenses Deductions Might Not Be Worth Taking

Investment interest, the interest on debt used to buy assets held for investment, such as margin debt used to buy securities, can generally be deducted [...]

New Year’s Resolution: Create a Financial Plan

It seems that every year goes by more quickly than the one before.  And each year we make a few promises to ourselves that for a variety of reasons never come to fruition.  So perhaps we should make a resolution to keep at least one resolution this coming year.

2021-12-02T15:44:26-05:00December 29, 2016|Categories: Retirement, Small Business, Tax: Business, Tax: Individual, Wealth Management|Tags: |

Retirement and Late 401(K) Deposits Are a Big Deal

Dear Anna, Question:  So we recently changed payroll companies and I just found out the new company hasn’t been remitting the employee 401(k) plan amounts [...]

Many Questions Remain After International Banking Heist

Tesco Bank, a Scotland-based bank and subsidiary of U.K. supermarket giant Tesco, recently blocked all online transactions tied to customers' checking accounts after money was [...]

A Look at President-Elect Trump’s Tax Plan

President-elect Donald Trump’s tax reform plan was released earlier this year. The affects on businesses include: Reducing the top corporate income tax rate from 35% [...]

Employers: January 2017 Is Busier Than Ever with New Due Dates

December and January are undoubtedly busy times for businesses with closing out their calendar years, gathering documentation for their accountants, tax preparers, and auditors, and [...]

Company Retirement Plans Made Easier – Ask Anna

Question:  My Company had a good year and my accountant says I could use some more deductions on my tax return.  Can I contribute extra to my [...]

Top 10 Tax Opportunities for Virginia Businesses

Sean O’Connell, a PBMares Tax Service Line Leader, is presenting “Top 10 Tax Opportunities for Virginia Businesses” at the Virginia Society of CPAs Business and [...]

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