Austin Eason - PBMares Wealth Management

Austin Eason

Client Relationship Specialist


As a Client Relationship Specialist, Austin has over four years of experience in the professional services industry. By fostering strong relationships with both clients and advisors through consistent communication, top-notch service, and exceptional operational support, his role is to ensure an excellent client experience.

Austin graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree in Finance. Prior to joining PBMares Wealth Management, he worked for four years as a Paralegal for a law firm, helping to calculate and organize the necessary financial documentation for the firm’s attorneys to successfully litigate on their clients’ behalf.

In his spare time, Austin enjoys reading, skiing, watching sports, and spending time with friends and family.

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Insights Authored by Austin Eason

Issues to Consider When Buying a Home

There are a number of things you should be aware of when buying a home, including how it will impact your overall financial planning goals. Use this checklist as a guide.

How to Maximize Your Social Security Benefits

When it comes time to begin collecting Social Security, you want to maximize your benefits. But to do so, there are decisions to make and several moving parts to consider, such as: when to begin collecting, tax implications, spousal benefits, and how social security benefits relate to eligibility for Medicare and disability benefits.

Estate Planning Webinar – The Family Love Letter

Estate planning is not only an integral part of our financial lives, it includes the legacy we wish to leave behind. Family business owners are uniquely positioned to pass down business, financial, and personal success through multiple generations, but many have little to no succession strategy in place.

Maxing Out 401(k) Savings for High Earners

High earners face additional contribution restrictions to employer-sponsored 401(k) plans. Being aware of these restrictions and how to navigate them can help maximize retirement savings.

Why a Stock Peak Isn’t a Cliff

Many investors may think a market high is a signal stocks are overvalued or have reached a ceiling. However, they may be surprised by what the data show.

A Closer Look at Charitable Giving

Charitable giving has many benefits on its own. Some taxpayers wrongly assume it is always beneficial for taxes, but that depends on individual tax circumstances and the type of donation.

All-Time-High Anxiety

Investors should take comfort knowing stock prices are not fighting the forces of gravity when they rise; record highs tell us the system is working as we would expect.

Are Concerns About Inflation Inflated?

With the Consumer Price Index climbing to a 13-year high in June, inflation is on a lot of investors’ minds. DFA takes a look at whether or not these concerns are overheated.

Is 2021 the Year to Gift?

It should come as little surprise that Congress seeks ways to generate revenue given current spending levels. So what has been proposed and how might it affect high net worth estate and gift planning?

Understanding the Role of Cognitive Bias and Economic Bubbles

Lately, there have been several stories regarding the possibility that the U.S. economy is in a stock market bubble. It seems whenever there are extended time periods with high growth, the word bubble appears and investors start to become uneasy. So, what are bubbles and should we be concerned with them?

Exploring FANMAG Stock Performance

Our researchers at DFA take a deep dive into FANMAG stock performance history and why we continue to believe that fad-based investing is no substitute for a broadly diversified portfolio.

Investing in FAANG Stocks

Is now the time to purchase FAANG stocks? Our research team at DFA looks at the expected and unexpected returns for answers.

Do You Need Long Term Care Insurance?

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 70% of people turning age 65 will need long-term care at some point in their lives.  Here is what you need to know.

Presidential Elections and The Stock Market

With a presidential election just around the corner, many investors are looking for clues as to which way stocks may go. The following articles by Dimensional provide an historical perspective on presidential elections and the stock market. The results may surprise you, and should reinforce the benefits of taking a long-term approach to investing.

What Can Plan Sponsors Do Now to Free Up Cash?

Even when the economy isn’t closed due to a pandemic, many employers find meeting their contribution obligations to their employer-sponsored retirement plans a challenge to honor. Employers will need to start looking at ways to free up cash and reduce overhead while we wait and hope for revenues to start flowing in again.

Strategies for Managing Concentrated Stock

Managing a concentrated stock position involves more than just knowing a little about stocks and trying to predict the market. Concentrated stock can be accumulated in many ways and can bring with it risk hurtful to your portfolio, and to your pride. Having a plan in place customized to your unique stock concentration issues can help achieve your financial goals.

Wealth Transfers in a Low Interest Rate Environment

Turbulent markets affect not only your portfolio, but your livelihood. As we continue to monitor this unsettling time we also see opportunity. The economic downturn coupled with historically low interest rates may provide unique wealth transfer opportunities.

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