Upload Your Tax Documents

Use the Upload Tax Documents button below to send us your tax documents.

Tax Document Submissions


  1. Click the button below to securely upload your tax documents to be used in preparation of your tax return.
  2. Enter your email address, first name, last name and company (when applicable) then click Continue.
  3. Drag files from your computer to the “Drag Files Here” section or click on “Browse for files”. You can upload multiple documents at once.
  4. Once all files are listed, click the Upload button.
  5. Wait for the green Uploaded button to appear before closing the window.
  6. Once your documents are received, you will receive a confirmation email by the end of the business day.

Upload Your E-File Form 8879 Here

Send us your signed E-File Form 8879 by clicking on the button below.

E-File Form 8879 Submissions

If you are interested in returning your Form 8879 electronically, please follow the instructions detailed below.


  1. Click the button below to securely upload your signed E-File Form 8879 to PBMares.
  2. Enter your email address, first name, last name and company (when applicable) then click Continue.
  3. Drag and drop your e-file form(s) from your computer to the “Drag Files Here” section or click on “Browse for files”.
  4. Once all files are listed, click the Upload button.
  5. Wait for the green Uploaded button to appear before closing the window.
  6. Once your documents are received, you will receive a confirmation email by the end of the business day.