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  • Nonprofit digital transformation

How Nonprofits Can Navigate Digital Transformation

September 13, 2024|Comments Off on How Nonprofits Can Navigate Digital Transformation

Nonprofits that learn how to navigate digital transformation are better positioned to thrive. But the unique constraints on nonprofits necessitate a different approach to digital transformation.

  • Fidelity Bond vs. Fidelity Insurance

Understanding the Differences: Fidelity Bond vs. Fidelity Insurance for 401(k) Plan Sponsors

September 11, 2024|Comments Off on Understanding the Differences: Fidelity Bond vs. Fidelity Insurance for 401(k) Plan Sponsors

In the intricate world of 401(k) plan management, understanding the distinction between fidelity bonds and fidelity insurance is crucial. Explore how to strategically leveraging both fidelity bonds and fidelity insurance, to safeguard your plan’s assets and uphold your fiduciary responsibilities with confidence.