Coronavirus Resources for Businesses
Given the rapidly changing news ranging from the federal, state and local government agencies, we have created this resource center to make it easy to find the information most relevant to your family and business. The information is from a variety of sources including insights from our trusted team of tax and business professionals. We understand this is a difficult time and we’re here to help navigate these uncertain times.
PBMares Insights
CARES Act Webinar – Insights for Your Business
Join us for a weekly update on the issues the COVID-19 crisis is presenting to you and to your business or organization.
How the CARES Act Directly Helps Individuals
A central tenet of the CARES Act is providing immediate relief to individuals struggling as a result of the coronavirus epidemic.
Business Benefits Available, Courtesy of the CARES Act
The historic $2.2 Trillion CARES Act provides several business tax benefits, some of which can quickly provide cash flow.
Forgivable Small Business Loans – How the $2 Trillion Stimulus Bill Can Help You
As business owners struggle with the effects of the coronavirus epidemic, Congress is on the precipice of enacting landmark legislation aimed at keeping the economy afloat over the next several months.
Plan Options for COVID-19 Impacted Businesses
The government’s response to COVID-19 has left many facing forced closure or seismic changes to sales and expense forecasts.
Tax Filing Deadline Extended 90 Days
This morning US Treasury Secretary stated “We are moving Tax Day from April 15 to July 15” on Twitter.
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Tax Developments: Payment Deadline Changes and New Legislation
Tax payments due April 15, 2020, including both 2019 income tax payments and 2020 estimated income tax payments, are postponed until July 15, 2020.
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Coronavirus: Financial Reporting Considerations
The effects of the coronavirus are evolving rapidly and are unique for each entity’s circumstances. In addition to addressing the serious operational impacts of the coronavirus, it is important that all entities consider how the coronavirus affects their financial reporting.
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Extending the Deadline to Pay but not for Filing
Taxpayers are likely wondering why the federal government is extending the time to pay taxes, but not extending the time to file taxes.
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3 Steps to Reduce Coronavirus Phishing Scams
With the coronavirus pandemic consuming attention and companies focusing on implementing safety, readiness and response measures, a surge in potentially harmful phishing scams has emerged. As organizations manage a host of coronavirus-related challenges, they may drop their guard or unknowingly implement policies that increase the risk of suffering an attack.
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State Tax Authorities Issue Special Coronavirus Provisions
Several state tax authorities have announced various relief provisions for businesses and individuals impacted by the Coronavirus.
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Deferral of Tax Payments
On March 17, 2020, Secretary of Treasury Steve Mnuchin announced the IRS will allow taxpayers to delay federal tax payments for 90 days after their due dates.
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Proposed Coronavirus Emergency Leave: Impact on Employers
On Friday the House of Representatives passed H.R. 6201, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. The legislation will be voted on by the Senate this week.
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A Special Message from the CEO
Our thoughts have been with the individuals, businesses, and communities that have been affected by COVID-19. In response to the increasing number of cases and uncertainty, I want to make you aware of the precautions PBMares is taking to protect the health and safety of our employees, their families, and our clients while maintaining a consistent level of client service.
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Business Resources
National Club Association – Coronavirus
The National Club Association has created the Coronavirus Resource Center, a wide-ranging website for club leaders, their staff and members to safely and effectively address this unprecedented crisis at their clubs.
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U.S. Small Business Administration Emergency Loans
The U.S. Small Business Administration is offering designated states and territories low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses suffering substantial economic injury as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
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U.S. Small Business Administration Disaster Loan Assistance
If you have suffered a substantial economic injury and are one of the following types of businesses located in a declared disaster area, you may be eligible for an SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL).
Frequently Asked Questions COVID-19
On March 12, 2020, Governor Northam declared the State of Emergency in the Commonwealth due to the state-wide spread of COVID-19. Many workers are asking for guidance on how to navigate this public health crisis as they work to keep their families both healthy and financially stable.
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Live Webcast
CARES Act Webinar –
Insights for Your Business
We hope that you were able to attend our weekly update on the issues the COVID-19 crisis presented to you and to your business or organization. View a full list of recent and upcoming webinars here.