Keeping Your Estate Plan Current

There is a great scene in the first "Back to the Future" movie in which Michael J. Fox, as Marty McFly, takes over for an injured band member and introduces the tune "Johnny B Goode" to the audience, just a little before it is supposed to show up on the music scene. He tells the rest of the band "This is a blues riff in B, watch me for the changes and try to keep up."

2020-01-28T13:51:22-05:00December 12, 2017|Categories: Estate and Trust, Retirement, Tax: Individual|Tags: , |

The Sandwich Generation – Taking a Bite out of the Burden

They call us the Sandwich Generation, the middle layer between grown or growing children who depend on us and parents who also depend on us.   Being in this position can sap a family’s resources physically, emotionally, and, of course, financially.

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