Is Your Nonprofit Board Designed to Properly Oversee an Audit?

NFPs have always been adept at achieving great outcomes with few resources. This strength was put to the test even more in the past year. Whether an organization received extra funding or not, proper governance and fiscal oversight are more important than ever.

2021-03-11T14:29:41-05:00March 11, 2021|Categories: Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , |

How Small- to Medium-sized Nonprofits Can Get the Help They Need to Manage Their Investments

Nonprofit organizations have a fiduciary role in managing investments that are the result of donor gifts. For those with endowment funds, there are laws and regulations outlining fiduciary responsibilities with respect to those funds and how the funds are invested and allocated for expenditure. Large nonprofit organizations with significant investments have the resources to engage large institutional investment managers to assist in managing their investment portfolios.

Fiduciary Responsibility: An Expectation of Trust

The IRS, through its revisions to Form 990, requires reporting by not-for-profits on a range of governance issues including board member “fiduciary duty” and their ability to gain the trust of their organization. What is fiduciary responsibility and what does it mean to the board of a not-for-profit?

2018-10-11T16:07:52-04:00September 26, 2017|Categories: Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , |

How Nonprofits Can Treat “Founder’s Syndrome”

Of the many afflictions that can impede a not-for-profit’s growth, one of the more deadly is “Founder’s Syndrome.” This occurs when a single individual — [...]

2018-08-15T20:23:15-04:00December 15, 2016|Categories: Business Advisory, Consulting, Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , |

Board Development Imperative to a Not-for-Profit’s Future

Our world is changing at a record pace, particularly here in the United States.  As a result nonprofit organizations need to plan accordingly, not only [...]

2021-04-22T15:24:24-04:00October 5, 2016|Categories: Business Advisory, Not-for-Profit|Tags: , |
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